Today, I have to go buy scrapbook items/supplies for the Craft Workshop tomorrow. Tonight, Sarah and I will be serving dinner at a birthday party, then setting up my tables for the Workshop. (this is so I don't have to be at the church at 7am tomorrow morning...BLAH!) I hope to be done by 9-9:30pm
Tomorrow Morning: Off to the church for the Craft Workshop 8am-12:30pm...I am teaching 2 classes on scrapbooking. From 2-4, I will be at Emily and Josh's House warming (still need to purchase a gift-I hope to find the time)
Sometime there after, I have to go back to the church and do the women's ministry cubicle, for the Christmas party and details.
Sunday Morning: Church, but we are celebrating Veteran's Day so we have 2 choir specials and I must read a poem in front of the church. Not a big deal, but I hope to read it correctly. =)
All the while, my poor hubby will be working and I will not get much time with him this weekend.
P.S. Picture above is from one of my B-day parties. Thank you Becca, Charity and Sarah for a great night and wonderful gifts..........best gift: your friendships!!